Fractionation and Characterization of Antitumor Polysaccharides from Maitake, Grifola frondosa
Mizuno, T, Ohsawa, K, Hagiwara, N, Kuboyama, R
Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
Three groups of polysaccharides from the edible mushroom, “Maitake”, the cultured fruiting body of Grifola frondosa, were extracted with hot water, 3% NH4-oxalate (100o C), and 5% sodium hydroxide solution (30o C ) in this order. The three fractions, FI, FII, and FIII, were divided into several sub-fractions using various chromatagraphic techniques. The fractions with host-mediated antitumor activity were as follows:
Water-soluble β-(1->3)-D-glucan: FI0-a-β1, [α]D +9o; (water), MW 1,000,000, N 0%, degree of branching =3, average chain length = 5, ID50 (the dose level, mg/kg in mice, inhibiting tumor growth in 50% of animal controls) = 5.8.
Water-soluble acidic β-D-glucan: FA-1a-β1, [α]D + 5o (water), MW 500,000, component sugars; Glc 82.4% and GlcUA 8.8%, ID50=12.9.
Water-insoluble acidic xyloglucan: FII-3, [α]D +56o (NaOH), MW 50,000, component sugars; Glc:Xyl=100:82, GlcUA 16.5%, ID50=23.8.
Acidic hetero-glycan: FIII-Ia, [α]D +6o(NaOH), MW 100,000~250,000, protein content 3.8%, component sugars; Glc:Xyl:Man:Fuc=100:58:34:14, GlcUA 20.4%, ID50=16.1.
Acidic glycoproteins: FIII-2a, FIII-2b and FIII-2c: [α]D +58o, +43o, -11o (NaOH); MW 1,000,000, 70,000~100,000, 20,000~50,000; ID50=38.5, 13.9, 9.3 respectively; component sugars; major=Glc, minor=Fuc, Xyl, Man and Gal.
None of the polysaccharides intraperitoneally active against mouse-implanted Sarcoma 180 had any activity orally.