[#1990-04] An Alkali-Soluble Alpha-D-Glucan from the Fruiting Body of Grifola frondosa, K. Kato et al.

An Alkali-Soluble Alpha-D-Glucan from the Fruiting Body of Grifola frondosa

Kato, K, Kawaguchi, M, Kumada, K, Yamauchi, R, Ueno, Y

Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Gifu University

Previously, we reported studies of the polysaccharides extracted from the fruiting body of the basidiomycete Grifola frondosa ( maitake ) with 10% aqueous zinc choride (designated F4) and 10% aqueous sodium hyroxide (designated F7 and F8). In continuation of this work, we now describe the isolation of an alkali-soluble alpha-D-glucan present in the fruiting body. The structure of the glucan was deduced from methylation analysis, and a study of the fragmentation by acid.