[#1994-11] Chemical Modification and Antitumor Activity of Polysaccharides from the Mycelium of Liquid-Cultured Grifola frondosa, Cun Zhuang et al.

Chemical Modification and Antitumor Activity of Polysaccharides from the Mycelium of Liquid-Cultured Grifola frondosa

Zhuang, C(a), Mizuno, T(b), Ito, H(c), Shimura, K(c)

a) The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Gifu University, b) Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, c) School of Medicine, Mie University

Twenty-three chemically modified polysaccharides, including five polyaldehyde-, ten polyalcohol-, four formylated-polysaccharides and four formolysis products of polysaccharides, were prepared from nine mycelial polysaccharides of Grifola frondosa ( maitake ). Although two of the original polysaccharides (FA-3, Fa-2-b-β and FII-b) had no activity, their polyaldehyde-, polyol-, formylated-, and formolysis derivatives showed significant activity. Polyaldehyde-, and polyol- polysaccharides prepared from a polysccharide (FI0-a-β) with low antitumor activity showed activity higher than the original polysaccharide. Polyaldehyde- and polyol-polysaccharides prepared from polysaccharides (FIII-a-b and FIII-2-b) with relatively high activity also showed antitumor activity higher than the original polysaccharide. The formolysis product of FIII-1-insoluble with relatively high activity did not few increase in antitumor activity (Sarcoma 180 mice) compared with the original polysaccharide, but also show the complement C3 activation on macrophages.