[#2004-02] TRUTH AND MYTHS ABOUT THE MUSHROOM Agaricus blazei, Eustaquio Souza Dias


Eustaquio Souza Dias’*; Carlos Abe; Rosane Freitas Schwan’

1 UFLA Depto. de Biologia, Campus Universitario, C.P. Brasil.

2 Fazenda Guirra, Estrada do .Bom. Sucesso km 40, Bairro do Guirra Brasil.


ABSTRACT: The mushroom Agaricus blazei Murrill was discovered in Piedade, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and sent to Japan to be studied for its medicinal properties. Studies in guinea pigs revealed antitumor properties, triggering Japanese importation of .4. blazei from Brazil. Because of its high price on the international market, many companies and rural growers produce A. blazei as alternative crop to increase income, but because interest in this mushroom occurred suddenly there has not been enough time for the scientific community to investigate it and, technology used for its cultivation is still based on empirical rules. There are also some contradicting data regarding the classification of this mushroom, and its antitumor properties still need to be confirmed in humans.