
[#2016-11] Cordyceps Wang, Ningqun et al...

Moderate-to-severe asthma has a substantial impact on the health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) of the patients. Cordyceps sinensis is a traditional Chinese medicine that is evaluated clinically for the treatment of many diseases, such as chronic allograft nephropathy, diabetic kidney disease, and lung fibrosis. In order to investigate the effects of Cordyceps sinensis on patients with moderate-to-severe persistent asthma, 120 subjects were randomized to receive Corbin capsule containing Cordyceps sinensis for 3 months (treatment group,

[#2016-02] Cordyceps Lin, Bao-quin Cord...

Cordyceps is the composite of a genus of fungus that grows on the larva of insects. To date, more than 350 Cordyceps-related species have been found worldwide based on fungus and/or insect host. However, since 1964, only Cordyceps sinensis has been recorded officially as an herbal drug in Chinese pharmacopoeia. C. sinensis, known as Dongchongxiacao (winter-worm summer-grass) in Chinese, is one of the most famous traditional Chinese medicines and medicinal mushrooms. The fungus attacks the larva of some species of insects (Fam. Hepialidae), and converts each larva to a...

[#2015-11] Cordyceps Dong, Caihong et al...

Cordyceps, as a general term, describes a group of ascomycetous fungi growing on arthropods and other related fungi. Some cordyceps have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and cordyceps-derived products are currently a big industry in China. A number of medicinal and health products have been developed and extensively commercialized from natural Chinese cordyceps, its anamorphic fungus (Hirsutella sinensis), and other fungi known as Chinese cordyceps. The lack of a defined classification system for medicinal cordyceps fungi is a source of confusion...

[#2015-10] Cordyceps Liu, Yi et al. The ...

Cordyceps sinensis, also called DongChongXiaCao (winter worm, summer grass) in Chinese, is becoming increasingly popular and important in the public and scientific communities. This study summarizes the chemical constituents and their corresponding pharmacological actions of Cordyceps sinensis. Many bioactive components of Cordyceps sinensis have been extracted including nucleoside, polysaccharide, sterol, protein, amino acid, and polypeptide. In addition, these constituents’ corresponding pharmacological actions were also shown in the study such as...

[#2014-13] Cordyceps Seth, Richa et al. ...

This review highlights the pharmacology, biological properties and traditional uses of a very important folklore medicine, known as ‘Keeda jadi’. In nature, it is found at high altitudes of 3500-5000 m on the high Himalayan mountains in India, Nepal and Tibet. It is an entomo-fungal combination of a larva of small moth, Hepialus armoricanus and a parasite fungus Cordyceps sinensis. Cordyceps is best known medicine for increasing physical stamina and sexual functions. It has been traditionally used to treat patients with heart disease and also shown to increase...

[#2014-11] Cordyceps, Reishi, Royal Agar...

Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynaecological malignancy. Nevertheless there is a lack of curative therapies, especially for patients diagnosed with late stage, recurrent or aggressive disease, who have a poor prognosis. Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma lucidum and Agaricus Blazi Murill are three fungi widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, and effects as adjuvants in tumour therapy have been demonstrated. However, the function and effects of these fungi in regard to endometrial cancer are not known. Three endometrial cancer cell lines, Ishikawa,...