[#2000-02] Two Novel Diterpenoids, Erinacines H and I from the Mycelia of Hericium erinaceum, F. W. Lee et al.

Two Novel Diterpenoids, Erinacines H and I from the Mycelia of Hericium erinaceum

Eun Woo LEE, Kazue Surzuki, Satoshi HOSOKAWA, Masami Suzuki, Hiroyuki SUGANUMA, Takahiro INAKUMA, Jingxuan Li, Mayumi OHNISHI-KAMEYAMA, Tadahiro NAGATA, Shoei FURUKAWA, and Hirokazu KAwAcistn


Novel diterpenoids, erinacines H (1) and I (3), were isolated from the cultured mycelia of Lion’s Mane mushroom (Hericium erinace­um). The structures of the compounds were determined by interpretation of the spectral data. Erinacine H showed stimulating activity of nerve growth factor (NCE)-synthesis.