[#1986-01] Fractionation and Characterization of Antitumor Polysaccharides from Maitake, Grifola frondosa, T. Mizuno et al.

Fractionation and Characterization of Antitumor Polysaccharides from Maitake, Grifola frondosa

Mizuno, T, Ohsawa, K, Hagiwara, N, Kuboyama, R

Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University

Three groups of polysaccharides from the edible mushroom, “Maitake”, the cultured fruiting body of Grifola frondosa, were extracted with hot water, 3% NH4-oxalate (100o C), and 5% sodium hydroxide solution (30C ) in this order. The three fractions, FI, FII, and FIII, were divided into several sub-fractions using various chromatagraphic techniques. The fractions with host-mediated antitumor activity were as follows:

Water-soluble β-(1->3)-D-glucan: FI0-a-β1, [α]D +9o; (water), MW 1,000,000, N 0%, degree of branching =3, average chain length = 5, ID50 (the dose level, mg/kg in mice, inhibiting tumor growth in 50% of animal controls) = 5.8.

Water-soluble acidic β-D-glucan: FA-1a-β1, [α]D + 5(water), MW 500,000, component sugars; Glc 82.4% and GlcUA 8.8%, ID50=12.9.

Water-insoluble acidic xyloglucan: FII-3, [α]D +56(NaOH), MW 50,000, component sugars; Glc:Xyl=100:82, GlcUA 16.5%, ID50=23.8.

Acidic hetero-glycan: FIII-Ia, [α]D +6o(NaOH), MW 100,000~250,000, protein content 3.8%, component sugars; Glc:Xyl:Man:Fuc=100:58:34:14, GlcUA 20.4%, ID50=16.1.

Acidic glycoproteins: FIII-2a, FIII-2b and FIII-2c: [α]D +58o, +43o, -11(NaOH); MW 1,000,000, 70,000~100,000, 20,000~50,000; ID50=38.5, 13.9, 9.3 respectively; component sugars; major=Glc, minor=Fuc, Xyl, Man and Gal.

None of the polysaccharides intraperitoneally active against mouse-implanted Sarcoma 180 had any activity orally.