[#2004-08] Safety of Maitake D-Fraction in Healthy Patients, S. Glauco et al.

Safety of Maitake D-Fraction in Healthy Patients

Glauco, S(a), Jano, F(a), Paolo, G(a), Konno, S(b)

a) Practicing Physicians in Italy b) New York Medical College

Both in vivo and in vitro studies and limited clinical trials thus far support a potent immunostimulatory, anticancer or antitumor as well as apoptosis-inducing activity for D-fraction, which may have great potential for cancer treatment and prevention. However, information on the safety of D-fraction or actual positive or negative effects of D-fraction on healthy human subjects had yet been lacking or insufficient. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the safety of D-fraction in normal, healthy subjects; D-fraction is indeed safe with negligible or few side effects. It is also indicative that D-fraction may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve renal and liver function. However, larger randomized studies are still required to confirm these interesting findings further and delineate the clinical effectiveness and potential health benefits of D-fraction. Such studies are thus warranted.