[#2014-04] Cordyceps Ji, Jing et. al Effects of Fermented Mushroom of Cordyceps sinensis, Rich in Selenium, on Uterine Cervix Cancer

1. Introduction
Uterine cervical cancer is still the second most common cancer in women worldwide, despite the existence of effective screening methods [1, 2]. However, the treatment causes strong side effects such as digestive symptoms (vomiting and diarrhea) and bone marrow suppression. Thus, drugs with fewer side effects and a superior effect in combination are desired.  In humans, selenium (Se) is a trace element nutrient which functions as cofactor for reduction of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidases. Several studies have suggested a possible link between cancer and selenium deficiency [3–5]. Some reports show that selenium administered to laboratory animals at levels above dietary requirements is capable of protecting against tumor formation in the mammary glands, liver, skin, colon, stomach, oral cavity, bladder, and pancreas [6–8]. However, it is toxic if taken in excess. Exceeding the tolerable upper intake level of 400mg per day can lead to selenosis [9]. The present study evaluated the optimal concentration of Se, atwhich Se has equal efficacy but much lower toxicity. One novel selenium complex of Se-CS has been designed and evaluated. Using trace  element at lower doses, in combination with edible mushrooms, has been ascribed as one potent way to reduce trace elements associated toxicity and maintain their effect [10].  Cordyceps sinensis (CS) is a popular medicinal mushroom that has been used as a home remedy in traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention or treatment of a variety of diseases including cancer [11, 12]. Today, CS is recognized as a dietary supplement recommended in many countries as a cancer therapeutic. However, some of the trails were not well designed and lacked appropriate controls [2]. In the current study, we investigated the potential therapeutic efficacy of
Se-CS for cervical cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fermented mushroom of Se-CS on methylcholanthrene-induced uterine cervical cancer in mice.