[#2015-06] Lion’s Mane Okamura, Hisayoshi et al. The effects of Hericium erinaceus (Amyloban 3399) on sleep quality and subjective well-being among female undegraduate students – Pilot Study

The pilot study evaluated the effects of a 4-week administration of H. erinaceus (Amyloban 3399) on female undergraduate students who were likely to have a high incidence of sleep problems.  We assessed the changes in asleep quality and subjective well-being with the GHQ-28 and PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index).  Furthermore, we examined the level of salivary free-MHPG after awakening, which is generally regarded as an accurate index of chronic stress and depressive symptoms and reflects sympathetic nervous system activity.  Thus, we were able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the effect of Amyloban 3399 on sleep quality and subjective well-being of female students.