[#2011-06] Maitake Kunihiko Tominaga et al. Ovulatory effects of an extract from Maitake mushroom in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome,



This study aimed to determine the effects of an extract from Maitake mushroom (“SX-fraction”, SX) on ovulation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thirty patients were randomly assigned to either of the following two treatment arms for three months: the SX group (n = 15), which prescribed 207 mg/day of SX, and the control group (n = 15), which received 7.5 g/day of Shakuyaku-Kanzo-To (SKT; a Chinese herbal medicine). Ovulation was judged by the change of basal body temperature and ultrasonography. During the treatment period, 66.7% of the patients in the SX group ovulated compared with 30.8 % in the SKT group; however, the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.0581). During the same period, ovulation was confirmed in 22 out of 45 menstrual cycles (48.9%) in the SX group, while for the SKT group ovulation was confirmed in 15.4% (P = 0.0011). Estradiol and the estradiol/testosterone ratio also showed a statistically significant increase (P = 0.032 and 0.038, respectively) when those compared before and after treatment with SX. The SX group was 14 times more likely than the SKT group to induce ovulation (95% CI: 1.093 – 196.45). These results summarized; 1) SX was effective in the treatment of PCOS and 2) The SX regimen improved the ovulation rate independent of insulin resistance. In conclusion, SX appears to promote aromatization of testosterone to estradiol in granulosa cells.